Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Don’t judge someone by his/her appearance

Most people, especially in big cities consider that appearance is everything. They think that appearance guarantees someone’s characteristics. People tend to make their appearance look elegant to attract other people and to be respected by them. I absolutely believe that appearance doesn’t guarantee someone’s attitude, and characteristics.

First of all, a person with good appearance doesn’t automatically have good attitude too. Many of them, instead, do as he/she likes. They tend to belittle other people. Usually, someone like this doesn’t pay attention to his/her surroundings. He/she doesn’t care whatever happen in their environment.

Second, some people can deceive others by appearing as a nice person. So that other people will appraise them. In fact, he/she doesn’t like what you think. Usually, someone like this appear with good appearance to cover his/her bad character, such as emotional, arrogant, selfish, and more.

Someone who appear with simple appearance usually has better character than someone who has good appearance, because he/she more to be honest with his/her self and his/her surrounding. He/she be grateful to God about whatever he/she has.

In short, the best way to make sure about someone’s attitude and characteristics is by know more inside to his/her self. Don’t jump to conclusion to judge someone by his/her appearance, because it doesn’t guarantee all about someone’s self.

follow me @liliniy

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