Jumat, 01 April 2011

Astro link



Sky and Telescope - On Line http://www.skyandtelescope.com/

Astronomy Magazine http://www.astronomy.com/

Astronomy Technology Today http://www.astronomytechnologytoday.com/

Other Clubs



Astronomical Society of New Haven, Connecticut http://www.asnh.org

Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club. http://lhaac.shutterfly.com/

Mattatuck Astronomical Society, Waterbury, Connecticut http://www.mastransit.org/

Thames Amateur Astronomical Society http://www.taasct.com/taasct/index.html

The Astronomical Society of Greenwich http://www.seocom.com/asg/

Westport Astronomical Society http://www.was-ct.org/index.html

Fairfield County Astronomical Society. http://www.stamford-observatory.com

Boothe Memorial Astronomical Society http://www.bmas.org/

Amherst Area Astronomy Association: http://www.amastro.org/

Arunah Hill Natural Science Center, Cummington, Massachusetts http://www.arunah.org/

ATMs of Boston, Massachusetts http://www.atmob.org/

Springfield Stars Club http://www.reflector.org/

Aldrich Astronomical Society, Worcester, MA. http://www.AldrichAstro.org/

Astronomy Association, http://www.astronomyassociation.org/ Association of local, like minded, astronomy groups for sharing venues.


Stellafane, Springfield, Vermont http://www.stellafane.org/

Vermont Astronomical Society http://www.vtastro.org/

Rhode Island

Skyscrapers, Rhode Island www.theskyscrapers.org


Cherry Springs State Park Dark Sky Preserve, Cherry Springs

New York

Rockland Astronomy Club, (RAC) http://www.rocklandastronomy.com/

RAC hosts NEAF, NEAIC and the NSSP every year NEAF link, http://www.rocklandastronomy.com/NEAF/index.html

NEAF Solar Star Party (NSSP), http://www.neafsolar.com/barlowbob.html NSSP History. http://www.neafsolar.com/bb/nssphistory.html
Amateur Astronomers Association of New York http://www.aaa.org/

Catskills Astronomy Club www.catskillsastro.org
Westchester Amateur Astronomers, Inc. http://www.westchesterastronomers.org/

Major Organizations


British Astronomical Association http://www.britastro.org/

Royal Astronomical Society http://www.ras.org.uk/

The Planetary Society http://www.planetary.org/

National Space Society http://www.nss.org

American Association of Amateur Astronomers http://www.astromax.com/

Night Sky Network - JPL/PlanetQuest resource http://nightsky.jpl.nasa.gov/

Connecticut Science Fair - www.ctsciencefair.com

Observatories and Institutions


Wesleyan Astronomy Department Homepage at http://www.wesleyan.edu/astro/

Central Connecticut State University Astronomy Department at http://www.ccsu.edu/astronomy

Spitzer Space Telescope http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/index.shtml

Big Bear Solar Observatory http://www.bbso.njit.edu

The Leicester University Astronomy Society Homepage at http://www.star.le.ac.uk/astrosoc/

Mt. Wilson Observatory at http://www.mtwilson.edu

See the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment (LASCO) and the NASA / ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) at http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime/realtime-c3.html
* Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/

For near Earth asteroids: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/

Jet Propulsion Laboratory http://jpl.nasa.gov/

And for official announcements of _all_ new objects: http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html

General Astronomy Daily News: http://www.spaceweather.com

Dealers & Manufacturers
This section is a members quick reference resource and does not imply an endorsement by ASGH
Listings may include past vendors and manufacturers who have assisted StarConn


Camera Concepts and Telescope Systems a regular supporter of StarConn, located in NY - http://www.cameraconcepts.com/

High Point Scientific dealer in telescopes, CCD's, eyepieces and accessories http://www.highpointscientific.com

RITI, (Reading Information Technology Incorporated), Lunar Map Pro Software for Windows http://www.riti.com/

Scoptronix eyepieces and digital camera accessories http://www.scopetronix.com

Celestron International telescope, eyepiece and accessories manufacturer http://www.celestron.com

The GlareBuster residential outdoor lighting to reduce light pollution http://theglarebuster.com

Orion Telescopes and Binoculars http://www.telescope.com

Protostar diagonal mounts and secondary mirrors http://www.fpi-protostar.com

Astrosystems diagonal mounts, Telekit, scope coats and more http://www.astrosystems.biz

Software Bisque planetarium software and computerized mounts http://www.bisque.com

Meade telescopes and accessories http://www.meade.com

Televue eyepieces and refracting telescopes http://televue.com/

StellarVue - makers of fine refracting telescopes http://www.stellarvue.com

RF Royce precision optics and mirrors http://www.rfroyce.com

University Optics telescope accessories http://universityoptics.com

Starizona dealer in telescopes and accessories http://starizona.com

AstroTrac - makers of portable tracking solution http://www.astrotrac.com

OPT = West Coast dealer http://www.optcorp.com

Astronomics OK premiere Celestron/Meade dealer - http://www.astronomics.com

Edmund Optics supplier of optics, imaging, and photonics technology- www.edmundoptics.com

Club Members Sites


Bob Gendler CCD Photographs. These are a must-see at http://www.robgendlerastropicscom/ He has a large collection up now and they are superb. Adjectives fail...

Joe Roberts AstroPhotography http://www.rocketroberts.com/astro/astrophot.htm

ARIZONA SKY PAGES Tom Polakis, former ASGH & Skyscrapers member, has his own web page entitled "Arizona Sky Pages". He shows his skill at CCD & astrophotography by showing his many photos of deep sky objects. To view his web page go to www.psiaz.com/polakis



Solar System Simulator (check out Saturn's moons, Jupiter's great red spot, Mars features, etc.): http://space.jpl.nasa.gov/

The Nine Planets. An overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system by Bill Arnett. http://www.nineplanets.org

SEDS Students for the Explorations & Development of Space. http://www.seds.org/

Los Alamos National Observatory http://www.lanl.gov/milagro/

PlanetQuest - New World Atlas, charts of extra-solar planets: http://planetquest1.jpl.nasa.gov/atlas/atlas_index.cfm

General Interest


Sky Maps.com FREE sky maps each month for you to explore, learn and enjoy the night sky http://SkyMaps.com/ Your sky maps provided at your observing session at the Van Vleck Observatory are with permission of Sky Maps.com!

Let's Talk Stars, David Levy's Talk Radio. http://www.letstalkstars.com/

Jerry Lodriguss Catching the Light Astro Photography site http://www.astropix.com

Jeff De Tray's Site for beginners with how-to's is at www.astronomyboy.com

Aurora Activity Observation Network: http://www.spacew.com/www/auroras.html

S*T*A*R Astronomy http://www.starastronomy.org It has EVERYTHING, including telescope making.

Wonder what satellites are in your sky tonight? GSOC Satellite Predictions (GSOC): http://www.heavens-above.com/

Astronomy Picture of the Day. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html

International Space Station. http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station

Spaceflight: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/

SkyView Virtual Observatory: http://skyview.gsfc.nasa.gov/

Earth Centered Universe Homepage (Planetarium Software): http://www.nova-astro.com/

Stars and Constellations: http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/constellations.html

J-Pass 2.5 (NASA's satellite prediction program): http:/science.nasa.gov/Realtime/JPass/20/

http://www.badastronomy.com/ An eclectic site offering news and information on a wide variety of astronomy related subjects.

European Southern Observatory, (ESO), http://www.eso.org/public/

Asteroid Occultation Section of IOTA International Occultation Timing Association http://www.anomalies.com/iotaweb/index.htm (Also, see the Lunar Occultation Section, a sister site)

The Astronomy Net - Astronomy resources, searchable forums and searchable lists of organizations, suppliers and manufacturers providing astronomy services. http://www.astronomy.net/ [ASGH is now listed in astronomy clubs at http://www.astronomy.net/astroguide/lists/club/]

Dark Sky Site listing from Phil Harrington: www.philharrington.net/dssd.htm

Cloudy Nights Telescope Review Forum. http://www.cloudynights.com/ Membership based forum - no charge.

Telescope Making


Some interesting links from the personal web site of Scott Berfield. Telescope Making - CCD and Photo imaging - Software & Applets - Astronomy Links at http://www.berfield.com/main.html

ATM's Resource List, an internet resource for Telescope Makers, Amateur Opticians, and Amateur Astronomers for over seven years http://www.amateurtelescopemaker.com
* The ATM's Workshop Projects, Tips, and Techniques for the Amateur Telescope Maker http://www.atm-workshop.com/

Amateur Telescope Making: http://www.astronomydaily.com/preview.html

Mel Bartels' Home Page Motorize Your Telescope and add computer control. Lots of great stuff. http://www.bbastrodesigns.com

Dan's Astronomy Software Collection Lots of good programs. http://www.midnightkite.com/software.html

Messier Marathon Observer's Results - A page of nationwide results http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/messier/xtra/marathon/results.html

Phil Harrington, author of Star Ware at http://www.philharrington.net

The ATM Site: www.atmsite.org

San Francisco Sidewalk Amateur Astronomers - How to Build a Dobsonian Telescope: http://members.aol.com/sfsidewalk/cdobplans.htm


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